Over the past few days I posted the 9 cartoons I was most proud of that I think would make a good impression to the NG community, I even touched some of them up before releasing them here since, hey, fresh start. Now I do have a couple more but I'm debating whether or not to put them up here either because they were made REALLY early on and look rough as a result, are very basic lineart animations or I just think aren't very good (I made an Oneyplays animation that suffered from a lack of time devoted to it, I might actually go back and just reanimate a lot of it)
I also had my first cartoon here be the first episode of my webseries which I think was the right move as it is a lot rougher so it gives a good impression of my style while still allowing room for improvement. Regardless, hope you enjoyed some of these earlier cartoons. There's more to come!